Terms of use for this website
Although 137talentcare.nl works hard to make the information on this website as complete and accurate as possible. The availability, integrity and correctness of this information cannot be guaranteed.
137TalentCare.nl excepts no responsibility for (im)mediate damage which is the result of use, dependance or actions taken following the information that is presented on this website.
137TalentCare.nl reserves the right to make changes and corrections to the website without notifying others beforehand. You, by using this website, acknowledge that you will not change the information found on this website in any way.
Access and reference
137TalentCare.nl accepts no responsibility for the availability of this website. 137TalentCare.nl does not guarantee that this website or the servers on which this website is located are “virus-free”.
References and links to other websites are merely put in for extra information. The content of these other websites are not controlled by 137TalentCare.nl and are not endorsed by 137TalentCare.nl. 137TalentCare.nl therefore accepts no responsibily for the content which is located on these third party websites. It is also not allowed to frame this website in another website.
Intellectual property
This website and it’s content are protected by copyright and/or other propertyrights. Unless noted otherwise the property rights are applicable for text, sound, photographs, images, brands, logo’s and other material property of or licenced to 137TalentCare.nl
It is not allowed to multiply, sell, rent, or save the contents or a part of the contents of this website without permission of 137TalentCare.nl. It is however allowed (without permission):
- To print or download contents for non-commercial, informative and personal purposes on account that the copyrights are noted in all reproductions.
- To reproduce items with the purpose to, without commercial objectives, provide information for a third-party on the account that the copyrights are noted in all reproductions and that this third-party is notified of these applying terms.
Applicable law and jurisdiction
To usage of this site, Dutch law is applicable, therefore disputes will be handled by a Dutch judge.
Improper use
Every user of the website of 137TalentCare.nl will, at all times, refrain from improper use of the website and the data to which access can be obtained through this website.
Improper use meaning (1) unsolicited and without prior consent sending of emails or other electronic messages with a commercial goal to members, trailmembers, or otherwise affiliated personnel of 137TalentCare.nl (spamming); (2) Approaching members, trailmembers or otherwise affiliated personnel of 137TalentCare.nl for commercial as wel as non-commercial goals, and (3) to gain access by electronic means to the databases or parts of the databases of 137TalentCare.nl, for example by use of a search engine, or by using the website. (Spidering, Harvesting).
If 137TalentCare.nl has reasonable suspicion of misconduct, 137TalentCare.nl reserves the right to block the access to the website for a indefinite period of time, and to cancel any other agreements made with the user.